Blue Mind Marketing

Welcome to the Blue Waves blog, I’m so happy you’re here. 🌊

Blue Waves is an editorial blog designed to calm the waves of having a creative business.

The name is inspired by what marine biologist J. Nichols calls the Blue Mind, a mildly meditative state of calmness and connectedness when you’re by water. The ocean, the lake, the pool, or even a peaceful water feature can result in a blue mind. The research talks about how these blue spaces are just as important as green spaces for our creativity and wellbeing. I can relate to this literally (lived by the lake the last few years, and moving to the ocean this month!), but I also think the marketing industry could benefit from seeing things through blue-colored glasses. We need more connected, calm, and meaningful marketing.

The DreamLayne® Framework

With a decade of corporate marketing experience and more than 2 years of research for DreamLayne, I’ve designed a simple but transformative framework that focuses only on the essentials — allowing space for your creativity.

The DreamLayne® Framework has 4 simple concepts to balance the verbal and visual communication for your brand.

  1. Reflect

  2. Refine

  3. Form

  4. Function

Reflecting on the essentials of a brand will help refine how you communicate it through copy and imagery. Designing a website that showcases who you are as a creative while also functioning for your business is the foundation for your marketing.

A dream is your creativity designing reality, and this framework helps you articulate that vision. Business doesn’t have to feel “salesy” or unaligned. If you are truly exchanging value for value, business is essential to life. We just need more quality over quantity and more people over profit. Marketing needs to have more of a blue mind.

What’s to come for Blue Waves?

Blue Waves will be your resource for all things brand and website strategy. From prompts to help you reflect on your brand to tips for optimizing your website, the DreamLayne blog will help you design a website that’s built for creativity and connection.

Take it in waves,

Abby 🦋